A European flour millers' delegation in Canada to meet the wheat growers
In September 2022, a delegation of European flour millers went to Winnipeg (Manitoba) to visit the Canadian wheat growers gathered under the umbrella of Cereals Canada.
Wheat is Canada’s largest field crop grown. Each year, Canada exports wheat to more than 70 countries including high-quality wheat and durum to Europe.
In particular, millers and growers exchanged on the following aspects:
- The Canada supply chain and sustainability
- The quality of Canadian wheat classes
- The grain inspection & grading demonstration
- The impact of wheat grading factors on end-use quality
- The regulatory aspects including MLs and MRLs, sanitary and phytosanitary issues, trade concerns and other technical areas
- An overview of the market including the suppliers, port facilities, trade flows etc.
The delegation visited a wheat farm and exchanged with a Saskatchewan durum wheat grower. They also visited the Richardson Pioneer Mollard (Brunkild) elevator and a large P&H flour mill and elevator in the Toronto area.
All presentations have been shared with members.