Provide industry expertise to policy makers
Today an increasing amount of the legislation which directly or indirectly affects the flour milling industry, emanates from the European Union (EU). The European Flour Millers' association therefore closely monitors developments in Brussels in order to be able to provide EU and national policy makers with sensible and realistic advice early on in the legislative process. This helps ensure that any subsequent legal requirements are valid, achievable and enforceable. The association also advises its members on new legislation likely to have an impact on the sector.

Statutory General Assembly elects the Executive Committee and decides on financial & constitutional issues
Executive Committee establishes the policy of the association and drives its implementation
National Association Directors Committee co-ordinates the work of national associations with the work of European Flour Millers and exchanges best practice
Wheat & Trade Policy Committee analyses commodities' market patterns, spots future trends & developments and interacts with European Institutions
Technical & Regulatory Affairs Committee addresses regulatory & food law issues and works with European Institutions and relevant organisations on food technical matters
The Secretariat collects, relays, analyses information, coordinates and stimulates consensual and coherent approaches by the industry to the European and international bodies
Through those specialised Committees, the sector provides broad and in-depth expertise on key issues, which is communicated to European and international policy makers.